
20.009 Argyresthia aurulentella

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Species account from Moths of Glamorgan
(Gilmore, Slade & Stewart, 2009):

Another pretty little micro that has currently only been recorded from the Rothamsted light trap in Penylan. 9.vii.1989 (RS & VS det EFH). The larvae feed on Juniper.

10km Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Tetrad Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

  = pre 2000 records
  = post 2000 records (inclusive)

Moth Records

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Site Gridref Quantity Date Recorder More Info
Penylan (Rothamsted), Cardiff ST199789 1 09 Jul 1989 Roger Smith, Vicki Smith

Moth Images (0)

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