

Below you will find images (1050 photos of 804 species) contributed from individuals and organisations. If you you have an image you would like to add to the gallery please contact us.

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Silver Hook (Deltote uncula)
Silver Hook (...
Raspberry Moth (Lampronia corticella)
Raspberry Mot...
(Grapholita jungiella)
(Grapholita j...
Notocelia cynosbatella
Notocelia cyn...
The Shark (Cucullia umbratica)
The Shark (Cu...
Epinotia signatana
Epinotia sign...
Merrifieldia leucodactyla
Merrifieldia ...
Elachista adscitella
Elachista ads...
Piniphila bifasciana
Piniphila bif...
The Delicate (Mythimna vitellina)
The Delicate ...
Obscure Wainscot (Leucania obsoleta)
Obscure Wains...
Webb's Wainscot (Globia sparganii)
Webb's Wainsc...