239 species recorded.
ABH Code |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Records |
More Info |
01.001 |
Micropterix tunbergella |
1 |
02.001 |
Dyseriocrania subpurpurella |
2 |
03.002 |
Korscheltellus lupulina |
Common Swift
1 |
04.003 |
Stigmella confusella |
1 |
04.010 |
Stigmella microtheriella |
4 |
04.015 |
Stigmella anomalella |
Rose Leaf Miner
1 |
04.025 |
Stigmella nylandriella |
1 |
04.032 |
Stigmella floslactella |
2 |
04.034 |
Stigmella tityrella |
1 |
04.035 |
Stigmella salicis |
2 |
04.045 |
Stigmella aurella |
4 |
04.047 |
Stigmella splendidissimella |
1 |
04.054 |
Stigmella perpygmaeella |
1 |
04.055 |
Stigmella hemargyrella |
1 |
04.060 |
Stigmella ruficapitella |
1 |
04.061 |
Stigmella atricapitella |
2 |
04.062 |
Stigmella samiatella |
1 |
04.089 |
Ectoedemia albifasciella |
1 |
07.007 |
Adela cuprella |
4 |
07.015 |
Nematopogon swammerdamella |
1 |
08.003 |
Incurvaria oehlmanniella |
1 |
10.003 |
Coptotriche marginea |
1 |
11.009 |
Luffia ferchaultella |
1 |
15.010 |
Caloptilia stigmatella |
2 |
15.014 |
Gracillaria syringella |
2 |
15.028 |
Parornix anglicella |
2 |
15.029 |
Parornix devoniella |
1 |
15.034 |
Phyllonorycter harrisella |
1 |
15.036 |
Phyllonorycter heegeriella |
4 |
15.039 |
Phyllonorycter quercifoliella |
1 |
15.040 |
Phyllonorycter messaniella |
2 |
15.043 |
Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae |
3 |
15.053 |
Phyllonorycter leucographella |
Firethorn Leaf Miner
2 |
15.056 |
Phyllonorycter salicicolella |
1 |
15.063 |
Phyllonorycter maestingella |
1 |
15.064 |
Phyllonorycter coryli |
Nut Leaf Blister Moth
1 |
15.075 |
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella |
1 |
15.078 |
Phyllonorycter tristrigella |
1 |
15.081 |
Phyllonorycter nicellii |
3 |
15.089 |
Cameraria ohridella |
Horse Chestnut Leaf-miner
1 |
17.003 |
Ypsolopha dentella |
Honeysuckle Moth
1 |
17.010 |
Ypsolopha parenthesella |
1 |
18.001 |
Plutella xylostella |
Diamond-back Moth
1 |
19.003 |
Glyphipterix fuscoviridella |
1 |
21.001 |
Lyonetia clerkella |
Apple Leaf Miner
2 |
28.010 |
Hofmannophila pseudospretella |
Brown House-moth
1 |
32.036 |
Depressaria radiella |
Parsnip Moth
1 |
34.004 |
Limnaecia phragmitella |
1 |
37.015 |
Coleophora serratella |
1 |
37.078 |
Coleophora maritimella |
3 |
38.004 |
Elachista argentella |
3 |
40.015 |
Mompha raschkiella |
2 |
41.003 |
Blastobasis lacticolella |
1 |
45.010 |
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla |
1 |
45.013 |
Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla |
1 |
45.043 |
Adaina microdactyla |
1 |
48.001 |
Anthophila fabriciana |
2 |
49.013 |
Archips podana |
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix
1 |
49.015 |
Archips xylosteana |
Variegated Golden Tortrix
1 |
49.025 |
Pandemis cerasana |
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
1 |
49.030 |
Cacoecimorpha pronubana |
Carnation Tortrix
1 |
49.038 |
Clepsis consimilana |
1 |
49.039 |
Epiphyas postvittana |
Light Brown Apple Moth
1 |
49.059 |
Tortrix viridana |
Green Oak Tortrix
1 |
49.060 |
Aleimma loeflingiana |
1 |
49.065 |
Acleris comariana |
Strawberry Tortrix
1 |
49.092 |
Phtheochroa inopiana |
1 |
49.097 |
Cochylimorpha straminea |
3 |
49.109 |
Agapeta hamana |
5 |
49.134 |
Cochylis roseana |
1 |
49.157 |
Hedya pruniana |
Plum Tortrix
1 |
49.161 |
Celypha striana |
1 |
49.166 |
Celypha lacunana |
3 |
49.186 |
Endothenia gentianaeana |
3 |
49.240 |
Epinotia immundana |
1 |
49.249 |
Epinotia ramella |
1 |
49.265 |
Eucosma cana |
1 |
49.279 |
Gypsonoma dealbana |
1 |
49.285 |
Epiblema scutulana |
2 |
49.292 |
Notocelia cynosbatella |
1 |
49.298 |
Notocelia trimaculana |
1 |
49.313 |
Dichrorampha acuminatana |
1 |
49.321 |
Dichrorampha petiverella |
1 |
49.324 |
Cydia nigricana |
Pea Moth
1 |
49.325 |
Cydia ulicetana |
4 |
49.338 |
Cydia pomonella |
Codling Moth
1 |
49.347 |
Grapholita compositella |
2 |
52.008 |
Synanthedon formicaeformis |
Red-tipped Clearwing
1 |
52.014 |
Bembecia ichneumoniformis |
Six-belted Clearwing
6 |
54.008 |
Zygaena filipendulae |
Six-Spot Burnet
3 |
54.010 |
Zygaena trifolii |
Five-Spot Burnet
5 |
62.005 |
Achroia grisella |
Lesser Wax Moth
1 |
62.054 |
Homoeosoma sinuella |
3 |
62.075 |
Hypsopygia costalis |
Gold Triangle
2 |
63.005 |
Pyrausta despicata |
1 |
63.007 |
Pyrausta purpuralis |
2 |
63.008 |
Pyrausta ostrinalis |
2 |
63.017 |
Anania lancealis |
1 |
63.022 |
Anania crocealis |
1 |
63.038 |
Pleuroptya ruralis |
Mother of Pearl
3 |
63.052 |
Nomophila noctuella |
Rush Veneer
4 |
63.057 |
Evergestis forficalis |
Garden Pebble
2 |
63.064 |
Scoparia ambigualis |
2 |
63.066 |
Scoparia pyralella |
5 |
63.067 |
Eudonia lacustrata |
1 |
63.074 |
Eudonia mercurella |
1 |
63.080 |
Chrysoteuchia culmella |
7 |
63.081 |
Crambus pascuella |
9 |
63.086 |
Crambus lathoniellus |
7 |
63.088 |
Crambus perlella |
6 |
63.089 |
Agriphila tristella |
2 |
63.090 |
Agriphila inquinatella |
1 |
63.092 |
Agriphila selasella |
1 |
63.093 |
Agriphila straminella |
7 |
63.100 |
Catoptria margaritella |
4 |
65.007 |
Cilix glaucata |
Chinese Character
1 |
65.009 |
Habrosyne pyritoides |
Buff Arches
1 |
65.016 |
Achlya flavicornis |
Yellow Horned
1 |
66.007 |
Lasiocampa quercus |
Oak Eggar
1 |
66.008 |
Macrothylacia rubi |
Fox Moth
4 |
66.010 |
Euthrix potatoria |
The Drinker
1 |
69.003 |
Laothoe populi |
Poplar Hawk-moth
1 |
69.004 |
Agrius convolvuli |
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
2 |
69.010 |
Macroglossum stellatarum |
Hummingbird Hawk-moth
3 |
69.016 |
Deilephila elpenor |
Elephant Hawk-moth
2 |
70.011 |
Idaea dimidiata |
Single-dotted Wave
1 |
70.016 |
Idaea aversata |
Riband Wave
2 |
70.045 |
Scotopteryx chenopodiata |
Shaded Broad-bar
4 |
70.049 |
Xanthorhoe fluctuata |
Garden Carpet
2 |
70.053 |
Xanthorhoe designata |
Flame Carpet
1 |
70.054 |
Xanthorhoe montanata |
Silver-ground Carpet
1 |
70.059 |
Camptogramma bilineata |
Yellow Shell
2 |
70.061 |
Epirrhoe alternata |
Common Carpet
3 |
70.089 |
Eulithis prunata |
The Phoenix
1 |
70.090 |
Eulithis testata |
The Chevron
1 |
70.094 |
Ecliptopera silaceata |
Small Phoenix
1 |
70.097 |
Dysstroma truncata |
Common Marbled Carpet
1 |
70.098 |
Dysstroma citrata |
Dark Marbled Carpet
1 |
70.100 |
Colostygia pectinataria |
Green Carpet
1 |
70.101 |
Colostygia multistrigaria |
Mottled Grey
1 |
70.106 |
Operophtera brumata |
Winter Moth
25 |
70.141 |
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata |
Double-striped Pug
2 |
70.144 |
Pasiphila rectangulata |
Green Pug
1 |
70.173 |
Eupithecia centaureata |
Lime-speck Pug
1 |
70.179 |
Eupithecia absinthiata |
Wormwood Pug
1 |
70.192 |
Aplocera plagiata |
3 |
70.199 |
Pterapherapteryx sexalata |
Small Seraphim
1 |
70.202 |
Trichopteryx carpinata |
Early Tooth-striped
1 |
70.203 |
Archiearis parthenias |
Orange Underwing
1 |
70.207 |
Lomaspilis marginata |
Clouded Border
3 |
70.218 |
Chiasmia clathrata |
Latticed Heath
4 |
70.222 |
Petrophora chlorosata |
Brown Silver-line
4 |
70.226 |
Opisthograptis luteolata |
Brimstone Moth
3 |
70.240 |
Odontopera bidentata |
Scalloped Hazel
1 |
70.241 |
Crocallis elinguaria |
Scalloped Oak
1 |
70.244 |
Colotois pennaria |
Feathered Thorn
1 |
70.252 |
Biston betularia |
Peppered Moth
2 |
70.254 |
Agriopis aurantiaria |
Scarce Umber
4 |
70.255 |
Agriopis marginaria |
Dotted Border
2 |
70.256 |
Erannis defoliaria |
Mottled Umber
5 |
70.275 |
Ematurga atomaria |
Common Heath
4 |
70.277 |
Cabera pusaria |
Common White Wave
1 |
70.278 |
Cabera exanthemata |
Common Wave
3 |
70.280 |
Lomographa temerata |
Clouded Silver
1 |
70.282 |
Theria primaria |
Early Moth
1 |
70.283 |
Campaea margaritaria |
Light Emerald
1 |
71.012 |
Notodonta dromedarius |
Iron Prominent
1 |
71.018 |
Pheosia gnoma |
Lesser Swallow Prominent
1 |
71.025 |
Phalera bucephala |
7 |
72.001 |
Scoliopteryx libatrix |
The Herald
3 |
72.003 |
Hypena proboscidalis |
The Snout
1 |
72.013 |
Euproctis similis |
1 |
72.019 |
Spilosoma lutea |
Buff Ermine
4 |
72.020 |
Spilosoma lubricipeda |
White Ermine
2 |
72.026 |
Arctia caja |
Garden Tiger
2 |
72.031 |
Tyria jacobaeae |
The Cinnabar
14 |
72.044 |
Eilema griseola |
Dingy Footman
2 |
72.053 |
Herminia tarsipennalis |
The Fan-foot
2 |
72.083 |
Euclidia glyphica |
Burnet Companion
8 |
72.084 |
Euclidia mi |
Mother Shipton
5 |
73.001 |
Abrostola tripartita |
The Spectacle
1 |
73.002 |
Abrostola triplasia |
Dark Spectacle
1 |
73.012 |
Diachrysia chrysitis |
Burnished Brass
2 |
73.015 |
Autographa gamma |
Silver Y
19 |
73.016 |
Autographa pulchrina |
Beautiful Golden Y
1 |
73.024 |
Deltote pygarga |
Marbled White Spot
3 |
73.026 |
Deltote uncula |
Silver Hook
2 |
73.032 |
Colocasia coryli |
Nut-tree Tussock
1 |
73.045 |
Acronicta rumicis |
Knot Grass
1 |
73.047 |
Craniophora ligustri |
The Coronet
1 |
73.053 |
Cucullia chamomillae |
Chamomile Shark
2 |
73.058 |
Cucullia verbasci |
The Mullein
1 |
73.062 |
Amphipyra pyramidea |
Copper Underwing
1 |
73.092 |
Caradrina morpheus |
Mottled Rustic
1 |
73.096 |
Hoplodrina octogenaria |
The Uncertain
1 |
73.097 |
Hoplodrina blanda |
The Rustic
1 |
73.099 |
Hoplodrina ambigua |
Vine's Rustic
1 |
73.101 |
Charanyca trigrammica |
Treble Lines
1 |
73.113 |
Phlogophora meticulosa |
Angle Shades
1 |
73.114 |
Euplexia lucipara |
Small Angle Shades
1 |
73.123 |
Hydraecia micacea |
Rosy Rustic
1 |
73.131 |
Luperina testacea |
Flounced Rustic
1 |
73.142 |
Coenobia rufa |
Small Rufous
1 |
73.144 |
Denticucullus pygmina |
Small Wainscot
1 |
73.156 |
Apamea crenata |
Clouded-bordered Brindle
2 |
73.162 |
Apamea monoglypha |
Dark Arches
2 |
73.163 |
Apamea lithoxylaea |
Light Arches
1 |
73.169 |
Mesapamea secalis |
Common Rustic
1 |
73.175 |
Oligia versicolor |
Rufous Minor
1 |
73.176 |
Oligia fasciuncula |
Middle-barred Minor
1 |
73.182 |
Cirrhia icteritia |
The Sallow
1 |
73.189 |
Agrochola lota |
Red-line Quaker
2 |
73.195 |
Conistra ligula |
Dark Chestnut
3 |
73.220 |
Brachylomia viminalis |
Minor Shoulder-knot
1 |
73.242 |
Orthosia incerta |
Clouded Drab
1 |
73.244 |
Orthosia cerasi |
Common Quaker
2 |
73.249 |
Orthosia gothica |
Hebrew Character
2 |
73.266 |
Lacanobia suasa |
Dog's Tooth
1 |
73.267 |
Lacanobia oleracea |
Bright-line Brown-eye
1 |
73.270 |
Melanchra persicariae |
Dot Moth
2 |
73.274 |
Mamestra brassicae |
Cabbage Moth
1 |
73.288 |
Mythimna turca |
Double Line
1 |
73.293 |
Mythimna impura |
Smoky Wainscot
2 |
73.298 |
Mythimna ferrago |
The Clay
1 |
73.317 |
Agrotis exclamationis |
Heart & Dart
3 |
73.319 |
Agrotis segetum |
Turnip Moth
1 |
73.328 |
Axylia putris |
The Flame
2 |
73.329 |
Ochropleura plecta |
Flame Shoulder
3 |
73.332 |
Diarsia brunnea |
Purple Clay
1 |
73.334 |
Diarsia rubi |
Small Square-spot
1 |
73.342 |
Noctua pronuba |
Large Yellow Underwing
3 |
73.352 |
Anaplectoides prasina |
Green Arches
1 |
73.357 |
Xestia xanthographa |
Square-spot Rustic
2 |
73.359 |
Xestia c-nigrum |
Setaceous Hebrew Character
2 |
73.360 |
Xestia ditrapezium |
Triple-spotted Clay
1 |
73.361 |
Xestia triangulum |
Double Square-spot
1 |
74.003 |
Nola cucullatella |
Short-cloaked Moth
1 |
74.008 |
Pseudoips prasinana |
Green Silver-lines
1 |
45.014 |
Stenoptilia scabiodactylus |
1 |